Why Swim?

By - TC
02/03/2021 06:23 PM

Whats good y’all! Today, I want to talk about why people swim. There are many reasons why people swim. Among these are the health benefits, lifesaving skills, competition, exercise or just for the fun of it. Let jump in!

Health Benefits

There have been many health benefits associated with swimming. From reducing stress, improving mood, helps endurance to burning calories. There are many more benefits that comes with swimming.

Lifesaving Skills

Swimming for survival is incredibly important. Especially, in a state like mine where there a lot of different types of bodies of water. From pools to lakes to rivers, the beach and more. Even the bathtub can become a dangerous space. It really only takes a small amount of water for someone life to become in danger. It always makes me incredibly sad when I hear a story about someone drowning/dying because they did not know how to swim or the water survival skills like floating.


Who doesn’t enjoy some healthy competition? Anyone can compete in swimming. There is also the opportunity for people to turn it into their career as you can become a professional swimmer and try to chase those 5 rings. The journey to swim at the highest level of competition is a hard one, I can’t even imagine.


Want a full body workout? Jump in the pool. Swimming is one of the only sports that uses all the muscles of the body and it doesn’t require self isolating exercises to workout a particular part of the body. It is also low impact which means you can do this throughout your entire life.


There’s nothing like having fun in the sun. Why do you think there are so many pools and water parks? Not to mention, springs! I’ll leave that there.

This list is not all inclusive, there are many more reasons why people swim. These were just a few that I wanted to talk about. Personally, the main reasons why I swim these days are to relieve stress and to have fun. There’s nothing like going to the pool to clear your mind or to splash around with friends and family. It never get olds. Its just therapeutic.

Last but not least, if you are interested in learning more about why people swim, I recommend checking out Why We Swim by Bonnie Tsui. I really enjoyed this piece of work.